Any condition that affects the prostate requires immediate treatment. If a man ignores this advice, the inflammatory process in his prostate can quickly become chronic. Modern treatments for prostatitis can save you from such troubles. Doctors have developed effective ways to help forget about this unpleasant disease.
Comprehensive treatment of prostatitis
The choice of one or the other for the treatment of prostatitis depends directly on the severity of its form and course. In acute and chronic lesions of the prostate, the first step is to get rid of the inflammatory process. Treatment of prostatitis in men is usually done in combination. This treatment includes some mandatory activities:
- take medicine. These can be hormone pills, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs;
- receive fortified preparations;
- receive immunomodulators;
- Take a prostate massage class. The procedure is done through the rectum. With the help of massage therapy, the problem of abdominal stagnation can be solved;
- The application of modern physical therapy methods;
- Get physical therapy.

It is approved for the treatment of prostatitis medicaments prepared according to traditional medicinal formulations. In particularly severe cases, patients require surgical intervention. But this only happens in extreme cases, when more conservative methods do not give positive results.
Features of drug therapy
Modern treatments for prostatitis necessarily include the use of drug therapy. It includes taking medicines that belong to different groups. Taken together, these tools can significantly improve health.
How to treat prostatitis with drugs? With inflammation of the prostate, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:
- antibiotic. In most cases, prostatitis is caused by pathogenic flora that, for some reason, enter the male genitourinary system. In this case, recovery will not be possible without the use of antibacterial agents. These drugs are prescribed only after the doctor has confirmed the presence of pathogens of the inflammatory process of the prostate in the patient;
- Alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers. Medication should not only relieve the inflammatory process in the affected organs, but also relax the muscles of the urethra and bladder that are under constant tension due to the disease. As a result, patients experience pain when urinating. The appointment of this blocker is one of the modern treatments that have proven themselves good;
- nonsteroidal drugs. These funds are mandatory when treating prostatitis. With their help, painful symptoms can be stopped quickly and the spread of the disease can be reduced. It is recommended to take modern medicines of this group together with antibacterials;
- other medicines. In addition, medications prescribed to patients can significantly improve the function of veins located in the small pelvis. Thus, stalled processes in the urogenital system are reduced. Also, taking drugs that normalize capillary patency will not interfere.
In some cases, drug therapy includes hormonal agents. With their help, you can treat patients with elevated levels of estrogen in the blood.
prostate massage
Modern treatment of chronic prostatitis is incomplete without massage therapy. It is also used in other inflammatory processes of the prostate. Massage can speed up recovery. There are several options for this treatment. In most cases, the prostate is palpated and exposed using special equipment that emits magnetic waves.
Massage mainly acts on glands such as the prostate gland and is considered the most effective way to treat the reproductive system. With it, you can eliminate stagnant processes in the small pelvis, improve blood circulation and significantly reduce the spread of inflammation. Also, during the massage, the secrets and pus that have accumulated in the glands can be removed.
Physiotherapy for Prostatitis
Not only drugs for the treatment of prostatitis have a good effect. Patients with this diagnosis can be relieved by receiving physical therapy. The most common ways to affect the affected glands are:
- Magnetic therapy. This process is widely used. It involves disease-damaged prostate tissue exposed to magnetic fields. Thus, the disordered flow of lymph and blood is restored. It also improves the absorption of active substances that enter the patient's body during treatment in the manner prescribed by the doctor;
- Laser therapy. During the procedure, the affected organ is exposed to laser radiation. Thanks to him, it has been shown to rapidly reduce the number of inflammatory processes in the prostate. In addition, thanks to this therapy, tissue regeneration is activated and damaged blood circulation is restored;
- Microwaves are another therapy that involves the effect of heat on tissue. Using this method, cells can be restored by accelerating their regeneration. After surgery, the severity of pain symptoms decreases and the body begins to respond better to prostatitis medications.
This is not an exhaustive list of currently available methods to help treat prostatitis. Acupuncture, therapeutic wraps and herbal remedies are also permitted among methods aimed at combating prostate inflammation.

Additional treatment for prostatitis
Many patients who want to get rid of prostatitis as quickly as possible prefer the following treatments for the disease:
- acupuncture. This method is widely used in Oriental medicine. During surgery, specialists act on biologically active points on the patient's body. All this allows you to normalize blood circulation in the area of the prostate, which is disturbed by the development of the disease;
- Introduce stem cells. This is a new way to treat prostate inflammation. Stem cells introduced into a patient reach exactly where they need immediate help. There, they begin to actively divide and transform into healthy prostate tissue;
- Leech therapy. This method involves the use of medicinal leeches. With their help, it is possible to improve the microcirculation of biological fluids in the patient's body, reduce glandular swelling and thin the blood. For prostatitis, it is customary to place leeches where the anus is;
- Vacuum therapy. The program requires a special device. It is mounted on the man's penis. It is he who acts on the body, forcing it to acquire the desired hardness. With the help of this therapy, it is possible to improve the patient's erection ability and restore blood circulation to the pelvic organs;
- Ozone therapy. Another effective treatment for chronic prostatitis. During surgery, an ozone-enriched healing fluid is introduced into the patient through the rectum. Usually, for this case, a special salt solution is used. Ozone therapy helps restore the regeneration of diseased cells. It also has a bactericidal effect.
The latest approach to treating prostatitis could speed up the recovery process for patients diagnosed with the disease many times over. Inflammation of the prostate can turn into a number of serious problems for a man, negatively impacting his condition. The sooner he starts treatment, the more likely he is to return to his usual lifestyle. In addition, modern treatments aimed at eliminating signs of prostatitis help to avoid dangerous complications that can lead to the destruction of most organs of the genitourinary system. In this case, the patient will require more severe treatment, including surgery and a longer recovery period.