How to determine if a disease is present

- Discomfort in the genital and groin areas;
- increased urge to urinate;
- Sexual disorders;
- As the condition worsens, the pain worsens.

- Lower peritoneal pain;
- Pain during urination;
- Poor erection;
- worsening of general health;
- There is an elevated temperature.
Treat prostatitis at home
Help mugwort

juice therapy

- beet;
- carrot;
- Cucumber and asparagus.
Honey and propolis candle

- How to make a rectal suppository? You will need a teaspoon of honey, an egg, and 3 tablespoons of flour. All products are mixed into a mass and then made into candles. The product is used twice daily for 30 days with a 45-day break, after which the regimen is repeated.
- Preparation of propolis suppositories: Mix alcohol (50 ml) with propolis and infuse in a dark place for 14 days (the tincture is shaken daily). The injected material was evaporated in a water bath until it turned yellow-brown. The resulting composition is mixed with cocoa butter. After the candle is formed, store the product in the refrigerator. Treatment involves using a suppository at bedtime for one month. Full recovery is possible after two or three courses of treatment with this method. There is a 2-month break between courses.
Other folk methods
Another recipe for rectal suppositories
Onion processing
The finished medicine is taken orally, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. A quarter of an hour before dinner.
Help me lift a chestnut
Kalanchoe tincture
red root
Hemlock and celandine