Group of drugs used to treat disease
- Destroy pathogenic microflora;
- Restore the functional characteristics of the prostate;
- Improve the patient's immunity.
treatment method

- Electrophoresis - increases the blood supply to the organ and the outflow of prostate secretions, increasing tissue nutrition; recommended after initial massage;
- Therapeutic Exercises - Performing special exercises will increase blood flow to the pelvic organs and strengthen the perineal muscles; especially useful for older/older men;
- Laser irradiation - dilate blood vessels, destroy pathogenic microorganisms, promote regeneration, anesthetize, reduce swelling, and improve blood supply;
- Magnet physiotherapy - relieves pain and eliminates congestion; recommended for prostatitis and prostate adenomas;
- Massage - shocks to the organ through the anus stimulate outflow of secretions and blood flow to the organ; massage should only be performed by a specialist; self-medication is not acceptable.
medical treatement
- For prostatitis, a urologist will prescribe medication. Only he can prescribe effective treatment. Take the medicine strictly according to the prescription and do not make any changes on your own.
- If treatment involves injections or frequent physiotherapy, it is best done in a clinic or day hospital. If injections are not provided, patients can be treated at home by simply taking pills and suppositories.
- If it is difficult to purchase prescription drugs, similar drugs can be substituted, but only after consulting a specialist. See if you can get these medicines for free because. . . Some medicines are covered by government health schemes.
traditional method
- Safe, no adverse reactions;
- the complex effects on the male body;
- Good compatibility with drugs.

- Fight viruses and bacteria;
- Relieve inflammation;
- eliminate spasms;
- relief the pain;
- Improve blood supply.
Bathroom and sauna
- You need to choose aspen or a special broom, including herbs good for men - sage, yarrow, mint, chamomile;
- No alcohol is allowed; after steaming in the steam room, drink nature’s gift decoction with anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects;
- It is prohibited to lower body temperature rapidly: pour cold water over yourself or jump into a pool;
- Overheating is also not recommended, so it is best not to enter the steam room or stay in the steam room for too long when the temperature is high.
Helpful for acute prostatitis
- Blockage of veins;
- stasis of urine and bladder rupture;
- Abscess develops.
Treatment of chronic forms
- Take medications that treat the prostate and prevent recurrence of the disease;
- sports;
- receive physical therapy;
- diet;
- regular sex life;
- Rule out promiscuity.
treatment duration
- Drink and inject all prescribed medications correctly;
- Avoid hypothermia, overheating, and infection penetration;
- follow dietary habits;
- Maintain an active lifestyle;
- Say no to bad habits.
Does exotic technology work?
- These insects are able to fight inflammation of the prostate thanks to the carboxylic acids they release after their bite.
- This substance increases tissue nutrition and activates blood circulation to the prostate.
- Common black ants are widespread in our area and are suitable for treatment. The disease can be treated in this way only during remission and in the absence of allergy to carboxylic acids.

Therapeutic fasting helps to activate metabolic processes, leading to: loss of subcutaneous fat; weight loss and removal of excess fluid and toxins.
According to Newmwakin
- Dr. Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin used baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to treat prostatitis.
- These cheap drugs are available to Russian patients and can be easily purchased in pharmacies or supermarkets; the shocking fact is that they must be taken orally, usually on an empty stomach.
- The influence on the acupuncture points of the body activates the synthesis of special substances, thereby triggering mechanisms that fight the inflammatory process. According to representatives of Oriental medicine, acupuncture can cure diseases and eliminate their causes.
- Doctors believe that reflexology as the basis of treatment does not solve pathological problems, but as part of a complex treatment it activates the body's hidden reserves and accelerates recovery.

Leech therapy
- Treatment with leeches is relevant because. . . is based on blood renewal.
- According to medical data, one third of the volume of biological fluids in the body is stored in subcutaneous capillaries and is not used in the general bloodstream.
- Leech bites help remove these reserve fluids, and reducing their volume activates the renewal process. The result is improved blood supply to various parts of the body.
Massage to treat prostatitis

- Eliminate stagnation of prostatic fluid;
- Natural removal of bacteria and the remnants of their vital activity, and in advanced cases - pus;
- Ensures blood flow and the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the perineum;
- Improve sperm quality (male semen including prostate secretion);
- Normalize sexual function.
- Exacerbation of any urinary tract disease;
- Tumor;
- Prostate stones;
- Infect.
Devices and treatment devices

- Kegel exercises;
- bike;
- Lean to right and left legs;
- The pelvis is raised when lying on the back;
- Run, squat, swing your legs, jump.
Consequences of untreated prostatitis
- Inflammatory processes in parts of the urinary system;
- Prostatic abscess formation;
- A chronic form develops.
- Impotence, loss of sexual ability;
- loss of reproductive capacity;
- Formation of various types of tumors;
- Renal Failure;
- The appearance of kidney stones.
Prevent prostatitis
- Quit smoking, drinking alcohol and using hard substances;
- Physical activity is feasible but regular;
- Proper nutrition;
- Sexual purity.