Treat prostatitis with folk remedies. the most effective way

male prostatitisProstatitis is a problem faced by many representatives of the dominant gender. How can you eliminate it? Let us further consider the list of the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis, which will be available to everyone.Drugs to Treat Prostatitis

What is prostatitis

Before you learn about treatments for men's health problems, you need to determine what prostatitis is and what are the main symptoms that accompany this disease.Prostatitis is a problem that only representatives of the dominant gender encounter. It manifests as inflammation of the prostate and can only be eliminated through surgery. As for using even the most effective folk remedies to treat prostatitis, they do not eradicate the problem - they work only to reduce the main symptoms of the disease. However, despite the above-mentioned factors, many medical experts strongly recommend pharmacological treatment of such diseases, combined with traditional methods - in this way, the positive effects will be more noticeable and will be achieved in the shortest possible time.


Practice shows that by eliminating it from daily life you can protect yourself from the onset of the disease, but it is impossible to treat it in this way.Among the factors that cause prostate inflammation, the first is the development of bad living habits, the most important of which are alcohol abuse and smoking. Frequent constipation and prolonged periods of abstinence can also contribute to the development of related diseases.Experts in the field of urology often state that prostatitis can occur due to any other infectious disease of the genitourinary system, as well as the development of sexually transmitted diseases. Its formation may also be caused by weakened immunity.The existence of the problems under consideration is typical for representatives of the dominant gender who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is because the essence of the disease in this case is a deterioration of the blood microcirculation in the pelvic area, due to which microorganisms can easily penetrate into it, causing harmful effects and initiating inflammatory processes.


How to recognize prostatitis? It is worth noting that this disease has very distinct symptoms and cannot be confused with anything.During the initial stages of inflammation, men experience severe pain in the urethra and urethra area. Over time, the discomfort begins to increase, as a result, the process of urination becomes almost impossible - urine is released in small amounts, so you have to go to the toilet frequently, and this action is also accompanied by significant pain in passing. Additionally, white filaments may be observed in the urine of men with prostatitis.Symptoms of the onset of the inflammatory process include the sudden onset of potency impairment. This is because, due to the formation of inflammation, the microcirculatory process of blood in the pelvic area significantly deteriorates, making it difficult to reach the penile area, which is why sometimes erections do not occur at all. As for the quality of the sperm, it was very low throughout the disease, its consistency was quite liquid, and the mass itself was too cloudy.Men with prostatitis can experience excessive irritability and fatigue.Experts in the medical field point out that all the factors listed in the symptoms of prostatitis do not manifest themselves individually, but in complex ways. As soon as a person begins to observe the described changes, he should immediately contact a specialist in the field of urology and undergo a detailed examination. If you delay seeing a doctor, the problem may progress to a chronic stage, and once it begins, completely effective treatment of the disease is almost impossible.Let us further consider a series of effective methods for treating prostatitis that have been proven by many years of experience.Signs and symptoms of prostatitis

pumpkin seeds

Zinc is a mineral component that is essential for maintaining normal male health. Increased levels of this substance are observed in pumpkin seeds and can be used to treat certain symptoms of prostatitis and prevent this disease.Experts in the field of urology strongly recommend that anyone who notices the first symptoms of prostatitis, manifesting as painful sensations, eat about 20-30 fresh, slightly dried pumpkin seeds. Notably, this product helps deal with impotence and even prostate enlargement.Pumpkin seeds treat prostatitisIt is no secret that drinking honey quickly relieves the main symptoms of prostatitis, and the disease is treated faster. Honey is a product with therapeutic properties and also contains a large number of useful minerals and vitamins that are essential for the male body that is weakened by the disease process. Based on the knowledge about the benefits of honey, many experts in the field of traditional medicine recommend the use of this ingredient in combination with pumpkin seeds - with these ingredients it is possible to prepare miraculous substances with which diseases can be overcome. To prepare honey pumpkin cubes, take 500 grams of raw seeds, grind them thoroughly and mix them with a cup of natural honey, preferably liquid. Roll the resulting mass into small balls about 1-1. 5 cm in diameter and place them in the refrigerator. Once the product is ready, one ball should be dissolved and consumed before each meal. It is important to note that the product prepared from the specified amounts of ingredients is sufficient for the entire upcoming course of treatment.

poplar bark

One of the folk remedies for treating prostatitis in men is poplar bark, which can be purchased at low prices in urban pharmacies. Many people who specialize in folk remedies for this problem still recommend collecting it yourself. The motivation for these tips is that during a specific gathering period (early spring, when the first buds appear on the trees), this ingredient contains a special set of minerals that help stimulate rapid recovery. The thickness of the collected bark should not exceed 3-5 mm.After the collection process, the product must be thoroughly crushed and briefly dried in an oven to facilitate drying.To prepare an effective folk remedy for prostatitis, you need to take 1/3 of a 3-liter jar of bark and fill it to the top with boiling water. After this, the jar must be tightly closed and sent to a dark and warm place for several weeks. After a specified time, the resulting substance must be filtered - now the infusion is ready for use.You need to take one scoop of the product prepared according to the stated formula before each meal.The use of this decoction is strictly prohibited for men who have individual intolerances to the products offered and for men who suffer from constipation or dysbacteriosis.


Reviews of many urologists say that the most effective remedy for prostatitis is hazelnut. You can prepare an effective decoction from the aerial parts of this plant that will help relieve painful symptoms and improve the urinary process.To prepare this medicine, you need to take a spoonful of hazel leaves and pour a cup of boiling water over this medicine. The resulting substance should be brewed under a tight lid for half an hour, then filtered and consumed. Some advice says it's best to use a thermos to brew the product.Products prepared in this way must be eaten during the day and divided into four equal portions.Hazelnuts used to treat prostatitis


Chronic prostatitis can be treated with the help of parsley decoction. To prepare an effective folk remedy, you need to grind the previously dried seeds of this plant into powder with a coffee grinder. After this, 4 teaspoons of the prepared product must be poured into a glass of boiling water and placed in a water bath for 15 minutes. Next, the container containing the semi-finished broth should be tightly closed and its contents ready for brewing.After the broth has completely cooled, it needs to be strained. In order to achieve positive effects, the prepared product must be consumed regularly, but in small amounts - a teaspoon, about 6 times a day (before each meal).Medical experts commented that using this recipe to treat chronic prostatitis in men is quite effective. This is first of all due to the special qualities of this ingredient. It is known that parsley is a product with strong anti-inflammatory effects, which is especially necessary in the development of related diseases.Parsley juice squeezed from the roots of the plant can also eliminate the problem of prostatitis. To obtain positive effects, it must be consumed in small amounts before meals.


For treating prostatitis at home, ordinary garlic is ideal. Garlic also has anti-inflammatory effects on the human body. To prepare an effective medicine, you need to take five peeled cloves of garlic, crush or chop them thoroughly and pour boiling water (half a liter). Once the mixture is mixed, cover the container and leave it overnight for infusion. You can start using this medication in the morning. This must be taken on an empty stomach, twice a day (one-quarter cup). Before using this product, it is recommended to strain it through cheesecloth or a sieve.

Rhodiola rosea

How to treat prostatitis with folk remedies? According to many experts in the field of traditional medicine, the most effective product suitable for the creation of tinctures to eliminate this problem is Rhodiola rosea - this plant not only has anti-inflammatory properties, but also contains many components useful for health. Male body. To prepare a remedy for prostatitis, you only need to use the root part of the plant, which is sold in dried and crushed form in pharmacies in Russian cities. Pour one tablespoon of this product into a cup of boiling water and simmer on the stove over low heat for 5 minutes. After the specified time, it is necessary to filter the product and start taking small amounts - half a cup twice a day (before meals).Rhodiola rosea treats prostatitis


It should be noted that the dosage must be strictly observed when using this medicine, because celandine is an herb that not only has medicinal effects such as anti-inflammatory, but also contains substances that can cause poisoning if taken in excess.To prepare folk remedies for prostatitis, you need to take the specified plant and squeeze out the juice, which has a special orange color. The product must be mixed with alcohol in equal proportions. You can use the product prepared in this way immediately after creation, diluting it with purified water.Doctors comment that folk remedies prepared with celandine juice for the treatment of prostatitis are very effective and harmless, as long as the dosage is strictly observed. Therefore, you need to start taking one drop of freshly prepared product, diluted with a quarter cup of water. Every day you need to add one more drop to the previous roll. Finally, after a month, the man will drink a mixture of 50 ml of water, 30 drops of celandine juice and alcohol.The best time to treat prostatitis at home using this method is 60 days. After this period, it is recommended to rest for a few weeks and then repeat all the steps.

longevity flower

Many experts in the field of traditional medicine believe that the use of infusions made from Kalanchoe flowers can be effective in treating prostatitis.To prepare this product, you must use only fresh leaves of the plant, which must first be crushed. 500 ml of vodka should be added to a cup of this product, stirred, sealed and sent to a dark, fairly cool place for further infusion. Practice has proven that the most effective medicine for treating prostatitis can be ready in five days.Once the product is ready, it should be strained through cheesecloth or a sieve and placed in the refrigerator until subsequent use. Treatment of this disease with Kalanchoe tincture is carried out through oral medication. The optimal daily dose is considered to be 1 teaspoon. until all signs indicating the presence of disease have disappeared.Some experts in the field of urology recommend taking products prepared in the described manner for the prevention of prostatitis - 1 teaspoon. During the week.If you want to defeat this disease, you can prepare another medicine, also based on Kalanchoe flower. To prepare it, you need to take 100 grams of fresh leaves of the relevant product, after rolling it through a meat grinder, pour a glass of ordinary medical alcohol. Next, the substance must be mixed and tightly sealed. This product should be stored in a cool and dark place for 20 days.To eliminate the symptoms of prostatitis and treat the disease, a properly infused and well-filtered drug should be taken in the form of a teaspoon 3 times a day (20-30 minutes before starting a heavy meal). Reviews about taking this homemade remedy indicate that after the beginning of monthly courses, pain syndromes (which inevitably accompany the inflammatory process) are significantly reduced.Kalanchoe flower treats prostatitis


All fans of traditional medicine have long known about the miraculous properties of wheatgrass, the effects of which are directly aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes and improving urination. This is why this ingredient is often used to effectively treat prostatitis through traditional methods.To prepare a suitable decoction, take the dry roots of the plant and grind them thoroughly. After that, they must be completely filled with cold water (purified water is recommended) and soaked overnight until the roots begin to swell. As soon as this happens, the cold water must be poured away and 1. 5 liters of boiling water must be poured into the prepared wheatgrass roots. Containers with contents must be tightly closed and wrapped in a towel. In this form, the product should be left to soak for one hour and then filtered thoroughly.Folk remedies for prostatitis made from wheatgrass roots include taking half a cup of the prepared decoction three times a day.


Nut pills have long been recognized as the most effective folk remedy for treating prostatitis. To prepare it, you should take a kilogram of peeled nut kernels and grind them in any convenient way (preferably through a meat grinder). After that, you need to add an equal amount of peeled sunflower seeds to the mixture. After mixing these ingredients with chopped onions, you need to mix and eat a tablespoon of them every morning.

Bee products treat prostatitis

Comments from most experts in the field of urology often say that the treatment of prostatitis in men is particularly effective if traditional methods are combined with the use of bee products. It has long been known that honey, propolis and bee pollen not only have anti-inflammatory and therapeutic effects on the body, but also directly influence the normalization of all its vital system functions.In order to prevent inflammation and calm the processes that are already taking place in the male body, you need to take a spoonful of natural honey every morning (on an empty stomach). You need to consume pollen (1 teaspoon) in the same way.To prepare the most effective medicine for treating prostatitis, you can use dead fruits sold by beekeepers. To make a good product, you need to take a few spoons of this ingredient, pour 500 ml of water and let it cool to room temperature. In this composition, the mass must be placed on a low fire and gradually brought to a boil, then immediately removed from the stove.After the product has cooled and been injected simultaneously (after two hours), it must be filtered. Reviews about the treatment of prostatitis with folk medicines based on Podmora often say that it completely helps to cope with the painful sensations that accompany the inflammatory process. For fastest results, the decoction should be taken three times daily, one tablespoon at a time. Some recommendations left by experts in the field of folk healing treatments say that the infusion can be mixed with honey. Any leftover product should be stored in the refrigerator.When it comes to treating prostatitis with folk remedies, we cannot forget about propolis. It is understood that this product has excellent anti-inflammatory effects, which can be clearly felt after 3-4 days of correct use. To treat this disease, you need to drink 40 drops of propolis tincture, dissolved in half a glass of pure cold water, 20-30 minutes before meals every day. The optimal course of treatment for this method is 1. 5 months.Bee products treat prostatitisA few people know that chronic prostatitis can be treated with enemas. To do this, you must first prepare the correct solution, which is made from 40 grams of natural propolis, 2 ml of cocoa butter and a glass of ordinary medical alcohol. All ingredients to be taken in the specified amounts must be combined in one container and used only in small amounts after mixing. To prepare a solution suitable for single use, you need to take 2 grams of the prepared substance and dissolve it in half a glass of water. Using the resulting mass, you will need to perform an enema. This process should be done daily for several months. After the specified period, you must take a one-month break and then repeat the same course.Many reviews left by experts in the field of traditional medicine say that male prostatitis can be treated with the help of anal suppositories, which are easy to make yourself. To prepare the product, you need to mix whole eggs in a bowl with a teaspoon of honey (it is better to use fresh products) and three tablespoons of rye flour. After mixing all the listed ingredients, the total mass will obtain the consistency of a thick dough, from which small candles can be formed. The prepared product should be placed in the refrigerator and used morning and evening as intended, one tablet at a time.

Use a hot water bath

Some experts in the field of urology state in their reviews that the best treatment for prostatitis is for men to take hot baths and add therapeutic herbal decoctions along with traditional treatments. Let us next consider the most effective of these, which has long since won the approval of the dominant sex.To prepare a decoction suitable for bathing, you need to mix dried sage leaves, linden inflorescences, thyme and chamomile in equal proportions. After that, pour five tablespoons of this mixture into boiling water (2 cups) and let the mixture simmer for about an hour. Pour the finished product into a small basin and let it sit for about 20-25 minutes. To obtain positive results, this procedure must be performed every night for several weeks.Experts in the medical field state that this method is very effective, but they recommend rinsing after each use of this bath. In addition, they often note that this therapy not only very well relieves the painful symptoms of prostatitis and inflammation, but also prevents the occurrence of diseases of this nature.