Disease symptoms:
- Pain in the prostate area. In some cases, the pain spreads to the lower back, groin, and anus. Unilateral pain radiating to one of the testicles is not a symptom of the disease.
- Decreased libido.
- Premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation. The duration of sexual intercourse may vary depending on the stage of the disease. In the initial stage, ejaculation occurs prematurely, and in more advanced forms, the pathology is manifested by an increase in the duration of intercourse.
- The emotional richness of the orgasm worsens.
- Qualitative and quantitative properties of sperm loss.
- Frequent urination at night. Pain when going to the toilet.
disease description
The destruction of the prostate by pathogenic microorganisms is called prostatitis. The prostate is a male organ, so only male patients are prone to lesions.
Inflammation in prostate tissue can manifest through a variety of symptoms. To make a diagnosis, doctors perform a series of diagnostic measures. It is impossible to diagnose and treat prostatitis alone. You will need to contact a qualified professional.
According to statistics, prostatitis is the most common disease of the male reproductive system. Usually, the pathology is diagnosed in young men. The average age of patients diagnosed with prostatitis was 45 years.
signs of disease development
Chronic prostatitis has many symptoms. Signs of disease progression vary depending on how advanced it is. The patient's symptoms may be erratic, overt, or, conversely, insidious. Signs of disease development:
- Feeling unwell and sore for at least 90 days. A person experiences pain in the perineum. In some cases, the pain can cover the groin, lower back, and scrotum.
- Lack of erection. Sexual disturbances are regularly observed in patients. Complete impotence does not occur.
- Premature ejaculation. During the initial stages of disease development, the patient has premature ejaculation. Later in development, ejaculation is delayed. Emotional levels decrease during orgasm. The sperm become smaller and their properties deteriorate.
- Frequent urination. The patient often went to the toilet at night. When urinating, a person experiences pain and burning. In some cases, patients with chronic prostatitis experience urinary incontinence.
Staging of chronic prostatitis
Symptoms of the disease can vary depending on the stage of prostatitis. It is important for experts to determine how far the disease has progressed. It depends on the treatment method. Chronic prostatitis has several stages:
- exudate. The patient will experience pain in the groin and scrotum. The interval between toilet visits at night has decreased. Some patients experience discomfort during orgasm. Erections can be painful.
- choose. The pain becomes more severe. Their localization is the groin area, the pubis. There is no pain when urinating and the interval between toilet visits is reduced. No erectile dysfunction.
- proliferative. In men with this stage of the disease, erections may slow down. When going to the toilet, visually determine the deterioration of urine flow intensity.
- Keloid. There is a heavy feeling in the groin area. A person frequently goes to the toilet during the day and at night. Erections worsen. Also, ejaculation is weak or not at all.
It should be remembered that the symptoms of each stage may not be fully present. In this regard, it is not possible to independently determine the stage of the disease. You must contact a qualified professional. In order to make a diagnosis, some diagnostic measures will be required.
Causes of chronic prostatitis
There are several causes of this disease. Prostatitis is a multifactorial disease. Causes of chronic prostatitis:
- Infectious diseases, sexually transmitted. Some STDs develop asymptomatically in patients for long periods of time. Inappropriate treatment of such diseases sometimes occurs. Chronic prostatitis is a complication in the context of the development of sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted infections reach the prostate and affect its tissues. The result is an inflammatory response.
- Deterioration of blood circulation to the pelvic organs. The prostate fills with blood. The blood vessels put pressure on the prostate tissue. This causes deterioration of the oxygen supply and leads to the destruction of the prostate. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to impaired blood circulation. Also, wearing tight underwear can negatively affect blood circulation to the pelvic organs.
- Urine reflux. In some cases, if the urination process is disturbed, urine can start moving in the opposite direction and into the ducts of the prostate. Urine that enters the prostate can cause tissue irritation. This in turn leads to the development of chronic prostatitis.
- Abstinence or interruption of sexual intercourse. Secrets formed in the prostate do not come out of it. In some cases, it may not be completely removed. Stasis leads to an increase in prostate size and the development of inflammatory processes.
In addition to the above, prostate inflammation can be caused by hypothermia, hormonal imbalance, and decreased immunity. Prostatitis can develop on the background of a decrease in the protective properties of the body. As hormone levels decrease or increase, the activity of prostate cells is abolished.
Experts need to determine the cause of prostatitis as accurately as possible. This will allow you to choose the most effective treatment for a particular patient. When selecting a technique, the individual characteristics of each patient are considered.
Ineffective treatment or delayed treatment of chronic prostatitis may lead to the development of other diseases of the genitourinary system. The presence of complications can manifest as characteristic symptoms of chronic prostatitis. In this regard, prompt diagnosis of complications can be difficult. In most cases, untreated chronic prostatitis results in:
- Seminal vesiculitis. The disease is inflammation of the seminal vesicles. Pathological symptoms are pain in the groin and pelvis. In most cases, pain occurs in the lower back and sacrum. Patients report frequent urination, pain with erection, and ejaculation. Bloody or purulent inclusions appear in semen and urine.
- Prostate abscess. Untreated chronic prostatitis can cause prostate abscess. This complication manifests as weakness, high fever. In this case, the treatment of the disease is carried out in the hospital.
- colitis. Pathogenic microorganisms move from the prostate to the seminal vesicles and infect it. A sign of colitis or urethritis is a burning sensation in the urethra. The burning sensation intensifies when you go to the toilet. In most cases, patients complain of pain during orgasm or after ejaculation.
- Sclerosis of the prostate. Failure to comply with the treatment of chronic prostatitis or to seek medical attention in time may lead to a hardening of the prostate. Signs of disease progression are pain during urination and the inability to completely empty the bladder.
- the presence of stones. With chronic inflammation, stones or cysts can form in the prostate. Ultrasound is needed to detect cysts or stones.
- Infertility. Delayed treatment of chronic prostatitis adversely affects sperm motility and its number. Sperm incapacitated. Irregularities triggered by chronic prostatitis lead to male infertility
Disease diagnosis
The simultaneous appearance of multiple symptoms indicates that the patient has chronic prostatitis. In some cases, the disease is asymptomatic. Experts use a variety of measures to diagnose.
The doctor conducts the examination and asks the patient. In addition, he studies medical documents, while specialists focus on previously metastatic urogenital diseases. If necessary, specify instrumentation and laboratory diagnostics.
Instrument diagnosis
Chronic prostatitis can be diagnosed with the help of ultrasonography. Ultrasound is done rectally. To conduct the study, experts need to place a specialized sensor in the patient's rectum. With the help of this type of research, doctors can determine the size, structure, and density of the prostate. In addition, experts during the study drew attention to the absence of stones and cysts.
A doctor may prescribe a microscopic examination of prostate secretions. This diagnostic method allows you to identify irregularities in your prostate work. In addition to the covert microscopic examination, the patient's androgen levels were also checked. Exceeding the norm can lead to tissue growth, while a deficiency can cause interference with the work of the prostate.
laboratory diagnosis
Using a laboratory diagnosis of chronic prostatitis, the form of the disease and why it occurs can be determined. The following laboratory tests can be performed:
- The secretions from the patient's urethra were analyzed. In the laboratory, the discharge is checked for the presence of white blood cells, bacterial flora, fungi or viruses.
- Scrape from the patient's urethra. Laboratory studies can allow you to identify sexually transmitted agents.
- For microscopy, the secrets of the prostate are taken from the patient.
Performing complex laboratory and instrumental studies allows you to determine the cause of the development of prostatitis and its stages of development. After conducting research and collecting medical records, doctors can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment for each patient.
treat prostatitis
If you have symptoms of chronic prostatitis, you should contact a qualified specialist. Urologists, andrologists are engaged in the treatment of this disease. Patients are prescribed a complex approach to treatment designed to address the problem consistently. In addition to taking medication, treatment includes changing a person's lifestyle, eliminating bad habits, normalizing sex, proper nutrition, and more.
therapeutic treatment
Patient care is complicated. Use medication and specialized exercises. The most common treatment for chronic prostatitis is prostate massage. The specialist massages the prostate with the index finger. Massage is done through the anus. Before the surgery, the specialist wears rubber gloves and lubricates them with a special lubricant.
During the massage, the blood circulation of the prostate is activated. This is good for the prostate and speeds up the recovery of damaged tissue. When the gland is pressed, it secretly enters the urethra. A specialist can take the fluid for microscopic examination to control the dynamics of the treatment.
If necessary, magnetic therapy and laser therapy are prescribed for a person. The program executes in a complex situation. Microwave therapy is also used for treatment. The method involves the use of high frequency waves. During this process, the temperature of the treatment area will increase. This helps speed up the healing process.
medical treatement
A variety of drugs are used to treat prostatitis. Experts choose drugs based on the individual characteristics of the patient and stage of the disease. It is impossible to choose the medicine by yourself. You need to see a doctor.
To reduce prostate swelling, patients are prescribed drugs that suppress the action of male hormones. Reducing the size of the prostate can improve the flow of secretions into the urethra. In turn, the passage of urine into the urethra is improved and blood circulation is activated.
If necessary, the patient will take adrenergic blockers. These drugs belong to a group of drugs that act on receptors in bladder and prostate muscle cells. This method prevents urine from entering the prostate during reflux.
Antibiotics are prescribed if there is an infection that contributes to the development of the disease. Before prescribing antibiotics, experts need to perform a series of diagnostic steps to detect infection. The choice of drug is influenced not only by the infection, but also by its susceptibility to the main types of antibiotics. This approach allows you to prescribe the most effective treatment.
NSAIDs are used to relieve inflammation. This type of medication reduces the inflammatory response, which reduces swelling and pain in the patient. The way you take your medication may vary.
operation treatment
In some cases, surgical intervention is performed to eliminate complications resulting from inadequate or no treatment. Experts use minimally invasive transurethral resection.
Prostatitis Lifestyle:
- Exercise regularly. Men need to live an active lifestyle and get some exercise every day. This is necessary to strengthen the small pelvic muscles. This method will improve blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis.
- regular sex life. A person's sex life should be regular. It is necessary to exclude the interruption or artificial prolongation of sexual intercourse with the help of drugs. Prolonged abstinence or interruption of sexual intercourse can lead to stagnation of prostate secretion. This, in turn, is dangerous for inflammation to occur.
- permanent sex partner. It is necessary to rule out promiscuity. A large number of sexual partners can lead to the development of sexually transmitted diseases.
- Spacious linens. Men need to wear clothing and underwear that do not interfere with the normal blood circulation of the pelvic organs.
- Avoid hypothermia.
How to treat?
therapeutic treatment
The most common procedure is prostate massage. In some cases, microwave, magnetic and laser treatments are given. Therapeutic treatments speed up the patient’s recovery process.
medical treatement
Experts prescribe antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. If necessary, prescribe medications that lower the level of male hormones in the blood. The prescription of the drug and its dosage should be carried out by a qualified specialist.
Surgery is mainly used to treat complications caused by the development of chronic prostatitis. For surgery, a transurethral device is used.
The specialists in the specialist medical centre are highly qualified, allowing them to effectively treat chronic prostatitis. For the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, high-tech equipment and high-quality medicines are used.